Bright Airy Lightroom Mobile And Desktop Presets - 4 Lightroom Presets, Photographer Presets, Wedding Presets, Portrait Presets, Presets

$ 5 $ 12.5

60% Discount (You save $ 7.5)

Montego Bay Blogger Lightroom Mobile Presets are an asset for summer travels. These add a brightness and softness while enhancing the coloring already in your image. These don't change the coloring of the image but change the lighting and saturation for a milder look. These presets are designed to be used in the Lightroom App on iPhone or Android Mobile Devices.

------------ What's Included -----------

Lightroom Mobile Presets Compatible With The Adobe Lightroom CC App (.dng files)

Lightroom Desktop Presets Compatible With The Adobe Lightroom CC And Classic CC (.lrtemplate files)

  • Bright & Airy Lightroom Preset
  • Bright & Airy Cool Lightroom Preset
  • Bright & Airy Warm Lightroom Preset
  • Bright & Airy Hard Lightroom Preset
------------ Subscription ------------

Works With & WITHOUT Adobe subscription

---------- Whatsapp Message ----------

I can try the preset you want to buy in one photo. 🎁🎁 Just send me your photo with Whatsapp. 📸💎📲💝

Click here for questions about presets. Whatsapp

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